I know we initially stated that the deadline to qualify for your school's Custom Teacher Training video was earlier this month, but we've decided to shake things up a bit.
We received an enormous amount of positive reactions to our Teacher Portal webinar, which in turn led to a ton of requests for custom Teacher Portal Training videos. 

To show how much we appreciate your interest in the recent webinar and promotion, and to give everyone a little bit more time to qualify for their own videos, we are extending the deadline to Thursday, September 2

For those that would like a reminder, this video will walk your teachers through the crucial steps of navigating PCR Educator's Teacher Portal, bringing them up to speed in no time at all.

To qualify for a personalized Teacher Portal Training Video, follow these steps:
  1. Like our Facebook page.
  2. Leave a brief, honest review on our Google Business page.
  3. Once we verify that you've left us a review, we will reach out to you and confirm the details you'd like covered in your video.
That's it! And to reiterate, this is still a limited time offer. The new deadline is Thursday, September 2 so don’t delay!

Schedule Demo

Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.