Follow the steps for Importing New Records.

Field Required Type Sample Values Notes
No, if all records are blank or unique
Identifier  “123”  Must be unique; if one value is provided, all must be specified
person_id Yes, unless it can be determined by other fields
Identifier “123” Determined by person_first_name, person_last_name, and person_birthdate if not specified
person_type Yes Identifier "Student" Must be "Student" or "Inquiry". Case-sensitive validation is applied
person_first_name Yes, if person_id is not specified
Lookup "John" Used to determine person_id if person_id is blank.
person_last_name Yes, if person_id is not specified
Lookup "Doe" Used to determine person_id if person_id is blank.
person_birthdate Yes, if person_id is not specified
Lookup "7/1/2001" Used to determine person_id if person_id is blank.
financial_aid_category_id Yes Identifier “123”
award_amount No Decimal "1000.00" Optional award amount
accept_amount No Decimal “500.00” Optional amount accepted by the individual
comment Yes Text “Special case” Any additional comments or notes (255 Max characters)

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Please, make sure that all required fields (marked with *) are completed.
    School Name *
    Relation to School *
    Last Name *
    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.