Andover Summer Application Login


Please Note: This Application Portal is intended for applications to our
Summer Session 5-week Program Only.

We are delighted you are interested in applying to a summer experience at Phillips Academy! 

Parents/Guardians: Please note that the student should be completing the program application, not a family member or consultant.

If this is your first experience with our online application, please click here to begin by establishing a username and password through our Summer Session Inquiry Form.

If you already have a username and password for our online application (for example, you have applied previously to Phillips Academy Summer Session, or you recently completed the Inquiry Form), please use your existing login credentials to begin the application process or complete your application.

If you would like more information about the Andover Summer programs, including up-to-date information all of our offerings, please visit our website:

Jim Terhune
Director of Summer Session and Outreach Programs
Phillips Academy 

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Forgot or want to reset your password?

If you have forgotten your password,
please enter your username OR email below, and a password will be sent to your email of record. If you need further assistance, please email or call 1-978-749-4400. Thank you.

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